
BOSIET Training Aberdeen

Aberdeen is the best place to get your BOSIET certificate, there are many companies to choose from, years of experience, all OPITO standard. to prepare you for your job offshore. Aberdeen is packed with oil and gas history and training companies have years of experience, people travel from all over the UK to get their certificate.

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BEST BOSIET Provider Aberdeen

Discounts available,
19% off on BOSIET packages – see BOSIET discounts page
Contact number: 01224 679308

On this page you will find:
– Outline of the BOSIET course
– List of the different BOSIET providers in the UK
– Different modules in the BOSIET
– About the MIST training

The HUET, the underwater helicopter training module of the BOSIET, is famous in Aberdeen as everyone knows what it is, the training provided in the north east of Scotland is renowned for its great facilities, experienced staff and having a helicopter that submerges in the pool.

offshore escape training aberdeen

BOSIET Course Outline

  • Offshore Overview
  • Offshore Hazards
  • Safe Working Procedures
  • Helicopter Safety Procedures
  • Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)
  • Norwegian Helicopter Suit with CA-EBS
  • Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) and practical exercise
  • Sea Survival
  • Life-raft Training
  • Lifeboat Training as a Passenger
  • First Aid / Hypothermia
  • Fire Fighting & Self Rescue


BOSIET providers in the UK

There are several different providers in Aberdeen, with similar facilities, offering the same course content as per the OPITO standard. There are also other providers in England. Every year we check all the prices and locations of each provider, and reveal it on our BOSIET price and locations page.

BOSIET - Training Course

Target Audience: This course is for anyone seeking to work offshore on an oil/gas rig, installation or support vessel.

Getting your BOSIET certificate is your first step to working offshore, otherwise know as Offshore Survival Course or previously named RGIT. This course is required to work offshore on oil/gas rigs and boats.

This is the exciting course that involves, helicopter escape (HUET), fighting fire and basic first aid. This gives you good basic emergency survival skills for offshore.

BOSIET training is not simple, if you cannot get out of the helicopter when its underwater you are not going to pass this course and will not be allowed offshore. A common question is can you do the course if you can not swim? The answer is yes, swimming is not required, you are trained to escape the helicopter, open your lifejacket and survive at sea.

Check out this video to see what you are getting yourself into.

BOSIET - Training Course Modules

BOSIET Classroom Modules

The BOSIET course provides an overview on oil/gas, working offshore and prepares you on what you need to work safely, here are the course modules taught in the classroom:

Offshore safety knowledge: Learn how to identify hazards, the control measure used, the standards and safety procedures. general overview of living and working offshore

Emergency First Aid: You will learn how to give emergency first aid to an injured person, simulating emergency scenarios that may occur when working offshore.

Helicopter travel: How to get on and off a helicopter safely and to an oil/gas high standard.

BOSIET Practical Modules

Several aspects of the BOSIET course will be conducted in specially created environments to practice helicopter safety and fire fighting:

Helicopter Ditching:  Also called HUET, Learning how to survive after helicopter emergency landing in the sea, the training will take part in a pool using a custom build helicopter with submersion and inversion capabilities. Learning step by step how to escape in a submerged helicopter, when to unbuckle from your seat, how and when to open the helicopter window while under water, how to stay orientated and getting to the surface.

Sea Survival Training: After abandoning the Helicopter you’ll need to stay alive long enough for the rescue helicopter to find you, this part of the course will teach you sea survival skills, sticking together, keeping warm, getting in escape rafts and signalling for help.

Fire Fighting – this aspect of the BOSIET course is done in an area where intentional fires are started, some prior theory training on site, you will be trained on the following:

  • How to categories different fire types
  • Dangers of each fire type
  • Different fire extinguishers, and what types of fires to use them on
  • Practical training on putting out fires

fire-fighting training

Different fire extinguisher colours

Fire and Smoke: Learn on how to escape from a zero visibility smoked filled room, preparing you for a potential fire situation on the rig.

MIST Training

The UK has one of the Highest safety standards offshore and the MIST training is now mandatory to take along with the BOSIET to work offshore, the MIST is also required for many other countries.

In recent years OPITO introduced MIST the industry standard training. The MIST course is an intensive safety course highlighting al major safety issues, and discuss the Piper Alpha disaster, the biggest oil and gas disaster that killed almost everyone onboard, it was a tragedy for Aberdeen, and the people of Scotland, however the industry reacted and improved Safety Standards across the UK.

Check out our page on Getting Started Offshore.

Offshore Survival Training Courses for OIl gas career