Offshore Survival Courses UK

Click on any of the below offshore survival courses

On each page, there will be info on each offshore survival course, as well as details on training providers, cost and contact information.

Offshore Survival Courses - Brief Summery


BOSIET stands for Basic Offshore Survival Induction and Emergency Training. The original offshore survival course, it used to be called the RGIT
It has 5 sections run over 3 days, it lasts 4 years and includes the following modules: 

  • HUET, the Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
  • Basic fire fighting
  • Emergency first aid
  • Offshore hazards and controls 
  • Rig and boat evacuation / sea survival


The FOET, or BOSIET Refresher is the condensed BOSIET run over 1 day to include the practical aspects from the above list. 


MIST stands for Minimum Industry Standard Training. It is a two day course that is renewed every 4 years for people working in the oil and gas industry offshore and on land refineries. 
There is a MIST refresher, which is a little different to the original MIST course and can be done online. 


GWO stands for Global Wind Organisation, and they are governing body for safety standards within the renewable wind industry. GWO has an offshore survival course called BST Basic Safety Training.