OGUK Offshore Medical Providers UK

Below are the OGUK medical provider(s) for major oil/gas cities in the UK. You will find contact details on the doctors and the offshore certificate cost.

Scroll down to find an OGUK medical provider near you. Click to select.

OGUK medical cost

OGUK offshore medicals can vary in price from city to city, and also depending on the provider, the price ranges between £120-180. London is more expensive than Aberdeen for example. This can change at any time as the discretion of each provider, there is no standard price. 

The providers we recommend in each city have a reasonable or cheap price. Some have given a discount so that when you quote ‘offshore survival’ on booking you will get 10% off the price. This applies for courses as well as OGUK medicals, and you can see the price discount on courses on our discounts page(see big orange ‘discounts’ button at the top of the page)

OGUK medical locations

The locations of each OGUK provider listed above are mostly in the city centre, there are some near busy oil/gas airports like in Aberdeen where it is sometimes a more convenient location than going into the city. 

Want more OGUK medical locations

The OGUK medical locations above are not the only places you can get your offshore certs, there are more providers. You can search for an OGUK medical doctor from the official OGUK website https://oguk.org.uk/doctors/ to maybe find one in a more convenient location.

What do the OGUK medical certificates look like?

Pretty simple really. This certificate is what you pay for. 

medical certificate